Cutting rough boards into narrow strips. This plant is the typical plant for the industrial production of elements for doors and windows and furnishing elements. Manufacturers who want to optimize their process to obtain the most profitable performances.
Our cutting systems are composed of several modules. It is possible to transport stacks of panels by motorized chains or motorized roller conveyors.

The vertical lifting of the stacks is entrusted by hydraulic scissor lifting tables, the handling of the raw panels and then the cut strips are entrusted by vacuum manipulators, locking devices or simply pushing devices. The cut strips are conveyed by roller transfers, belt transfers or sliding surfaces. The achievable productivity is obviously a function of what the customer requires. We have installed systems that can dispose of 3 panels per minute or 10 panels per minute, for example.

The materials treated with our machines and processes are mainly wooden base panels but also MDF, plywood, chipboard but also CLT panels, WCB panels and also composites and panels or sheets of plastic origin as well as PP or PET sheets.